A01.1 | General | Organizers: J. Cheer, T. Bravo | |
A01.2 | Active Sound Control | Organizers: M. Pawelczyk, Malte Misol | |
A01.3 | Active Vibration Control | Organizers: A. Kras | |
A01.4 | Smart Structures | Organizers: J. Cheer | |
A01.5 | Active Metamaterials | Organizers: H. Lissek, T. Bravo, C. de Marqui | Shared with A06, A10 |
A01.6 | Signal Processing for Active Control | Organizers: M. Bai, W-S. Gan | |
A01.7 | Innovative noise barriers to enhance acoustic comfort | Organizers: M. Pawełczyk, J. Kang, A. González, S. Wrona, M. Ferrer | Shared with A05, A08 |
A02.1 | General | Organizers: B. Davis, D. Waddington, H. Whitehead, E. Vidaña Vila | |
A02.2 | Underwater soundscape and noise: modelling, measurements and effects | Organizers: J. Ramis, G. Zambon, A. Sirovic | Shared with A.22 |
A02.3 | Innovative Techniques in Terrestrial Acoustic Monitoring | Organizers: E. Vidaña | |
A02.4 | Advancements in Bird Communication Studies | Organizers: V. Lostanlen | |
A02.5 | Effects of Multimodal Stimuli on Wildlife | Organizers: T. Van Renterghem, H. Slabbekoorn | |
A02.6 | Bioacoustic Applications in Urban Environments | Organizers: E. Vidaña Vila, H. Whitehead | |
A02.7 | AI and Machine Learning in Bioacoustics | Organizers: Y. Jadoul | Shared with A09 |
A02.8 | Soundscape methods, monitoring and metrics | Organizers: J. Vida Manzano, I. Aspuru, R. M. Alsina-Pagès | Shared with A17 |
A02.9 | Bioacoustics: Future Directions and Challenges | Organizers: H. Whitehead | |
A02.10 | Non-vocal Communication in Animals | Organizers: H. Whitehead |
A03.1 | General | Organizers: A. Romero, C. Scrosati, T. Carrascal, C. Monteiro | |
A03.2 | Acoustic regulations, classification schemes and standards in building acoustics | Organizers: B. Rasmussen, T. Carrascal | |
A03.3 | Prediction of Sound and Vibration Transmission in Buildings | Organizers: C. Hopkins, E. Reynders | |
A03.4 | Ground borne noise | Organizers: C. Guigou Carter, S. Antunes | |
A03.5 | Structure -borne sound and noise from building services | Organizers: U. Schanda, C. Hoeller, M. Garai | |
A03.6 | Measuring the sound insulation of facades | Organizers: L. Barbaresi, L. Sommer Søndergaard, J. A. Trujillo | |
A03.7 | Acoustics of wooden buildings | Organizers: S. Schoenwald M. Fuente | |
A03.8 | Reducing neighbour noise by acoustic retrofit in housing | Organizers: B. Rasmussen T. Carrascal | |
A03.9 | Acoustic and Thermal Retrofit of Office Building Stock in EU | Organizers: M. Rychtarikova V. Chmelík | |
A03.10 | Acoustic consultancy projects and BIM | Organizers: C. Mastinno Al. Díaz | |
A03.11 | Heat pump sounds in residential settings: challenges and solutions | Organizers: J. Harvie-Clark C. Reichl | Shared with A05 |
A03.12 | Ventilation noise in dwellings: challenges, measurements, and solutions | Organizers: J. Harvie-Clark C. Reichl, G. Fusaro |
A04.1 | General | Organizers: M. Pàmies-Vilà, N. Campillo-Davo | |
A04.2 | Online resources and simulations for teaching and learning acoustics | Organizers: A. Ernoult, M. Pàmies-Vilà, L. Aspöck | |
A04.3 | Masters and training programmes in acoustics across Europe | Organizers: H. Tahvanainen, F. J. Redondo Pastor | |
A04.4 | Bringing noise awareness and acoustics to the general audience | Organizers: P. Lladó, F. Daumal i Domènech | |
A04.5 | Yesterday, today and tomorrow of research in acoustics | Organizers: W. A. Montano Rodríguez, N. Campillo-Davo |
A05.1 | General | Organizers: M. Arana, G. del Rey, J. Picaut | |
A05.2 | Auralization of environmental noise sources | Organizers: J. Segura | Shared with A24 |
A05.3 | Environmental noise perception | Organizers: T. Van Renterghem | |
A05.4 | Wind turbine noise | Organizers: J. Picaut, M. Arana | |
A05.5 | Urban sound planning | Organizers: L. Estévez, T. Maag | |
A05.6 | Recent Advances in Noise Mitigation Methods | Organizers: P. Bellucci, G. Licitra | |
A05.7 | Outdoor sound propagation | Organizers: L. Godhino, P. Mendes | |
A05.8 | Advances in Noise mapping | Organizers: E. Murphy, D. Manvell | |
A05.9 | Innovative noise barriers to enhance acoustic comfort | Organizers: M. Pawełczyk, J. Kang, A. González, S. Wrona, M. Ferrer | Shared with A01, A08 |
A05.10 | Advanced air mobility noise | Organizers: A. J. Torija Martínez, M. Lotinga, N. Green | Shared with A14, A20 |
A05.11 | Heat pump sounds in residential settings: challenges and solutions | Organizers: J. Harvie-Clark, C. Reichl | Shared with A03 |
A06.1 | General | Organizers: H. Lissek, L. Rufer, P. Honzík, V. Ferrari | |
A06.2 | Microphones (theory, measurement, applications, MEMS technology, etc.) | Organizers: P. Honzik, S. Durand | |
A06.3 | Loudspeakers and Headphones (theory, measurement, applications, MEMS technology, etc.) | Organizers: L. Rufer, F. Stoppel | |
A06.4 | Hearing Aids, Implantable Devices and Microsystems (theory, measurement, applications, MEMS technology, etc.) | Organizers: L. Rufer | |
A06.5 | Non-conventional electroacoustic transducers | Organizers: H. Lissek | |
A06.6 | Acoustic-based Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems for Diverse Applications | Organizers: V. Ferrari, A. Carlosena | |
A06.7 | Active metamaterials | Organizers: T. Bravo, H. Lissek, C. de Marqui | Shared with A01, A10 |
A07.1 | General | Organizers: S. Becker, D. Ragni, R. Camusi | |
A07.2 | Aeroacoustics of aircraft and urban air vehicles | Organizers: R. Camussi, D. Ragni, D. Casalino | |
A07.3 | Active and passive noise reduction technologies | Organizers: M. Raiola, A. Schulz | |
A07.4 | Fluid structures acoustic coupling | Organizers: S. Becker, E. Ferrer | |
A07.5 | Methods for advanced computational aeroacoustics | Organizers: S. Schoder, G. Bernardini, F. Avallone | Shared with A19 |
A07.6 | Modern experimental techniques in aeroacoustics | Organizers: S. Jacob, M. C. Jacob |
A08.1 | General | Organizers: F. Pompoli, J. Ramis | |
A08.2 | Active noise and vibration control for industrial applications | Organizers: F. Mori, S. Wrona | |
A08.3 | Advances in machinery noise and vibration control | Organizers: E. Piana, J. Ramis Soriano, S. Anda | |
A08.4 | Materials and systems for noise and vibration reduction | Organizers: F. Pompoli, J. Carbajo San Martin, J. Arenas | Shared with A10, A23 |
A08.5 | NVH damage detection, condition monitoring, diagnostics of machinery | Organizers: E. Mucchi, P. Poveda Martínez | |
A08.6 | Innovative noise barriers to enhance acoustic comfort | Organizers: M. Pawełczyk, J. Kang, A. González, S. Wrona, M. Ferrer | Shared with A01, A05 |
A08.7 | Artificial Intelligence for industrial applications | Organizers: R. M. Alsina-Pagès, G. Licitra | Shared with A09 |
A09.1 | General | Organizers: D. Botteldooren, R.M. Alsina, M. Sobreira | |
A09.2 | Modeling and estimation of room impulse responses with machine learning | Organizers: G. Pinero, D. de la Prida | Shared with A15 |
A09.3 | AI and Machine Learning in Bioacoustics | Organizers: Y. Jadoul | Shared with A02 |
A09.4 | Using generative AI and large language models in acoustics | Organizers: D. Botteldooren, M. Plumbley, W. Wang | |
A09.5 | Artificial Intelligence for industrial applications | Organizers: R. M. Alsina-Pagès, G. Licitra | Shared with A08 |
A09.6 | Machine learning for array processing | Organizers: M. Cobos, T. Abhayapala | Shared with A16 |
A09.7 | Events detection and localization, and acoustic scenes, using ML techniques | Organizers: P. Aumond | |
A09.8 | Artificial intelligence in Musical Acoustics | Organizers: S. González, H. Tahvanainen | Shared with A11 |
A09.9 | AI-Based speech biomarkers | Organizers: T. Arias-Vergara, P. A. Pérez-Toro | Shared with A18 |
A10.1 | General | Organizers: J-P. Groby, R. Picó | |
A10.2 | Acoustic, vibroacoustic and elastic metamaterials | Organizers: M. Malléjac, M. Miniaci, D. Torrent, B. Van Damme | Shared with A12 |
A10.3 | Metamaterials for noise and vibration reduction: novel applications and experimental methods | Organizers: E. Deckers, L. Van Belle, E. Shabalina, J. Cuenca | |
A10.4 | Materials and systems for noise and vibration control | Organizers: F. Pompoli, J. Carbalho San Martin, J. Arenas | Shared with A08, A23 |
A10.5 | Metamaterials and acoustic black holes in vibro-acoustics | Organizers: J. Deng, F. Gautier, W. Jeon | Shared with A23 |
A10.6 | Numerical methods for acoustic materials and metamaterials | Organizers: L. Godinho, O. Dazel | Shared with A19 |
A10.7 | Characterization of Acoustic Materials | Organizers: M. Nolan, F. Chevillotte, L. Jaouen | Shared with A15 |
A10.8 | Modeling acoustic wave propagation in viscothermal structures, including porous materials | Organizers: T. Bravo, M. Nolan, L. Jaouen, C.Maury | Shared with A12 |
A10.9 | Acoustic wave propagation in complex media | Organizers: V. Romero-Garcia, T. Valier-Brazier | Shared with A12 |
A10.10 | Numerical methods for wave propagation in complex media | Organizers: A. Prieto-Aneiros, P. Amado-Mendes | Shared with A19 |
A10.11 | Active Metamaterials | Organizers: T. Bravo, H. Lissec, C. de Marqui | Shared with A01, A06 |
A11.1 | General | Organizers: V. Chatziioannou, M. Ducceschi, V. Debut | |
A11.2 | Artificial intelligence in Musical Acoustics | Organizers: S. González, H. Tahvanainen | Shared with A09 |
A11.3 | Consistency of musical instrument making | Organizers: L. Ausiello, J.-P. Dalmont | |
A11.4 | Articulated musical instrument modelling | Organizers: M. van Walstijn, V. Chatziioannou | |
A11.5 | Instruments, Hyperinstruments and beyond | Organizers: A. M. Barbancho, S. Guillén | |
A11.6 | Networked music performances: evaluation and implementation | Organizers: J. Sastre | Shared with A24 |
A11.7 | Real-time audio generation for interactive virtual environments (games and beyond) | Organizers: S. Willemsen | Shared with A24 |
A12.1 | General | Organizers: N. Declercq, N. Jimenez | |
A12.2 | NDT&SHM Applications | Organizers: L. Chehami, M. Ben Tahar, M. Ech-Cherif El-Kettani, G. Cosarinsky | |
A12.3 | Biomedical Applications: Therapy | Organizers: N. Jiménez, A. Cebrecos | |
A12.4 | Biomedical Applications: Imaging | Organizers: O. Martínez | |
A12.5 | Biomedical Applications: Elastography and Quantitative Ultrasound | Organizers: G. Rus | |
A12.6 | Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Ultrasound | Organizers: J. Camacho, O.Martínez | |
A12.7 | Acousto-optics | Organizers: S. Dupont, J. Vanhamel, M.Duocastella | |
A12.8 | Photoacoustic and Laser ultrasound | Organizers: M. Pérez-Liva | |
A12.9 | Acoustic, vibroacoustic and elastic metamaterials | Organizers: M. Malléjac, M. Miniaci, D. Torrent, B. Van Damme | Shared with A10 |
A12.10 | Acoustic wave propagation in complex media | Organizers: V. Romero-Garcia, T. Valier-Brazier | Shared with A10 |
A12.11 | Modeling acoustic wave propagation in viscothermal structures, including porous materials | Organizers: T. Bravo, M. Nolan, L. Jaouen, C. Maury | Shared with A10 |
A13.1 | General | Organizers: D. Vickers, M.M. J. Fumero, M.I. Marrufo Pérez | |
A13.2 | Spatial hearing assessment with neural measures | Organizers: L. Picinali, K. Poole | |
A13.3 | Interdisciplinary applications to presbycusis | Organizers: E. Harding, M. Keijzer | |
A13.4 | Advancements and Challenges in Military Acoustics: Physiological and Audiological Perspectives | Organizers: N. Fink, M. Weger | |
A13.5 | Asymmetric hearing loss - clinical solutions and functionality | Organizers: S. Zirn, B. Williges | |
A13.6 | Audiology diagnostic techniques | Organizers: J. Undurraga, M. Temboury Gutiérrez | |
A13.7 | Early Intervention for deaf infants | Organizers: C. Benítez-Barrera, L. Kishon-Rabin |
A14.1 | General | Organizers: P. Majdak, N. Prodi, P. Aichinger | |
A14.2 | Auditory models and human perception in complex listening scenarios | Organizers: A.Warzybok-Oetjen, J. Rennies-Hochmuth | |
A14.3 | Personalisation in spatial audio technologies | Organizers: L. Picinali, M. Geronazzo | |
A14.4 | Spatial Hearing: Modeling and Applications | Organizers: P. Majdak, A. Osses | |
A14.5 | Psychoacoustics in Communication | Organizers: P. Aichinger, K. Siedenburg, J. Kreiman | |
A14.6 | Development of semantic attributes based on psychoacoustic modelling | Organizers: M. Engel, E. Altinsoy, S. Atamer | |
A14.7 | New trends and research for robust and unbiased psychoacoustical experimentation | Organizers: D. de la Prida, M. Larrosa-Navarro | |
A14.8 | Virtual acoustics and binaural AR in hearing research: challenges of a new paradigm | Organizers: N. Mayer-Kahlen, A. Reyes-Lecuona | Shared with A24 |
A14.9 | Advanced air mobility noise | Organizers: A. J. Torija Martínez, M. Lotinga, N. Green | Shared with A05, A20 |
A14.10 | Psychological and Physiological experiments for noise annoyance, acoustic comfort, and soundscape evaluation | Organizers: M. Masullo and A. Taghipour |
A15.1 | General | Organizers: M. Rychtarikova, I. Witew M. Nolan | |
A15.2 | Speech production and perception in rooms | Organizers: A. Astolfi, P. Bottalico | |
A15.3 | Modern offices: challenges and solutions | Organizers: V. Hongisto, D. D'Orazio | |
A15.4 | Virtual reconstructions in Archaeoacoustic research | Organizers: B. Katz, F. Martellotta | Shared with A24 |
A15.5 | Acoustic comfort in hospitals | Organizers: S. Secchi, J. Negreira | |
A15.6 | Acoustic and multidomain comfort in learning spaces | Organizers: C. Visentin, G. Puglisi | |
A15.7 | Characterization of Acoustic Materials | Organizers: M. Nolan, F. Chevillotte, L. Jaouen | Shared with A10 |
A15.8 | Realistic Binaural Auralization of Rooms | Organizers: A. Neidhardt | Shared with A24 |
A15.9 | Sound Reflections in Concert Halls | Organizers: J. Oscar García | |
A15.10 | Modeling and estimation of room impulse responses with machine learning | Organizers: G. Pinero, D. de la Prida | Shared with A09 |
A15.11 | Sound field reconstruction in rooms and enclosures | Organizers: E. Fernández Grande, M. Berzborn | Shared with A16 |
A15.12 | Numerical Methods for Room Acoustics | Organizers: M. Hornikx | Shared with A19 |
A16.1 | General | Organizers: E. Fernández Grande, B. Rafaelly and F. Zotter | |
A16.2 | Spatial audio signal processing - capture, encoding and enhancement methods | Organizers: B. Rafaely, F. Zotter | |
A16.3 | Machine learning for array processing | Organizers: M. Cobos, T. Abhayapala | Shared with A09 |
A16.4 | Airborne sonar | Organizers: A. Izquierdo, L. del Val, J. J. Villacorta | |
A16.5 | Sound field reconstruction in rooms and enclosures | Organizers: E. Fernández Grande, M. Berzborn | Shared with A15 |
A16.6 | Source directivity: capturing, processing, and evaluating its effects | Organizers: M. Noisternig, S. Bellows | Shared with A24 |
A16.7 | Processing/individualization/interpolation of HRIRs or BRIRs | Organizers: A. Andreopoulou | Shared with A24 |
A16.8 | Capture, analysis, and reproduction methods of virtual acoustic spaces with distributed microphones or microphone arrays | Organizers: S. Ramallo, J.J. Lopez-Monfort | Shared with A24 |
A17.1 | General | Organizers: A. Fiedig, J. Vida | |
A17.2 | Restorative soundscapes - Sound quality, health and well-being | Organizers: M. Engel, A. Fiebig | |
A17.3 | Soundscape practice and interventions | Organizers: J. Kang, A. Fiebig, K. Siebein | |
A17.4 | Soundscape methods, monitoring and metrics | Organizers: J. Vida Manzano, I. Aspuru, R. M. Alsina-Pagès | Shared with A02 |
A17.5 | Indoor soundscapes | Organizers: S. Torresin, P. Nur Dokmeci Yorukoglu | |
A17.6 | Soundscape and Inclusion, from Theory to Practice | Organizers: A. Talebzadeh, B. Schulte-Fortkamp | |
A17.7 | Hospital Soundscape | Organizers: P. Jik Lee, E. Ozcan, T. Hampton |
A18.1 | General | Organizers: L. Moro-Velázquez, E. San Segundo, N. Cummins, P. Aichinger | |
A18.2 | Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics | Organizers: R. Hernández Molina, R. Perez Vargas, M. Ramírez Salado, V. Rodríguez Montaño | |
A18.3 | Acoustics for first and second language acquisition | Organizers: J. Romero | |
A18.4 | Acoustic phonetics | Organizers: Y. Huang | |
A18.5 | Speaker diarization | Organizers: T. Thebaud | |
A18.6 | Emotion recognition | Organizers: T. Thebaud | |
A18.7 | Speech enhancement | Organizers: T. Thebaud | |
A18.8 | Speech recognition | Organizers: L. Moro-Velázquez, E. San Segundo, N. Cummins, P. Aichinger | |
A18.9 | Speaker recognition | Organizers: L. Moro-Velázquez, E. San Segundo | |
A18.10 | Automatic language and dialect identification | Organizers: T. Arias-Vergara, P. A. Pérez-Toro | |
A18.11 | Speech denoising and de-reverberation | Organizers: N. Cummins, P. Aichinger | |
A18.12 | Speech and Voice disorders | Organizers: J. A. Gomez-Garcia | |
A18.13 | Hearing disorder | Organizers: G. Encina Llamas | |
A18.14 | Speech processing for hearing aids | Organizers: I. Lopez-Espejo | |
A18.15 | Speech synthesis for speaking aids | Organizers: M. Hagmüller, P. Aichinger | |
A18.16 | AI-Based speech biomarkers | Organizers: T. Arias-Vergara, P. A. Pérez-Toro | Shared with A09 |
A18.17 | Dysarthric Speech Recognition | Organizers: Z. Yue |
A19.1 | General | Organizers: M. Hornikx, J.-D. Chazot | |
A19.2 | Numerical methods for acoustics and vibration | Organizers: D. Panagiotopoulos, D. Mayrhofer | |
A19.3 | Data-driven methods in acoustics and vibration | Organizers: M. Maeder, E. A. Zea | |
A19.4 | Uncertainty Quantification in Aero- and Vibro-Acoustics | Organizers: N. Xiang, A. Mohammad-Djafari | |
A19.5 | Numerical methods for acoustic materials and metamaterials | Organizers: L. Godinho, O. Dazel | Shared with A10 |
A19.6 | Methods for advanced computational aeroacoustics | Organizers: S. Schoder, G. Bernardini, F. Avallone | Shared with A07 |
A19.7 | Validation and Benchmarks in Computational Acoustics | Organizers: A. Prinn, L. Aspöck, S. Schoder, M. Maeder | |
A19.8 | Numerical methods for wave propagation in complex media | Organizers: A. Prieto-Aneiros, P. Amado-Mendes | Shared with A10 |
A19.9 | Numerical Methods for Room Acoustics | Organizers: M. Hornikx | Shared with A15 |
A20.1 | General | Organizers: S. Theodossiades, E. Latorre, R. Peral | |
A20.2 | Automotive noise and vibration | Organizers: S. Theodossiades, S. Anda | |
A20.3 | Road traffic noise and vibration | Organizers: R. Peral, L. Estevez | |
A20.4 | Tyre/road noise | Organizers: N. Campillo-Davo, E. Fraga de Frieta | |
A20.5 | Railway noise and vibration | Organizers: R. Arcos, A. Clot, E. Latorre Iglesias | |
A20.6 | Noise barriers and mitigation techniques for road traffic and railway | Organizers: M. Garai, P. Bellucci | |
A20.7 | Aircraft noise | Organizers: P. Rodríguez | |
A20.8 | Airport noise | Organizers: N. Van Oosten, A. Donoso | |
A20.9 | Advanced air mobility noise | Organizers: A. J. Torija Martínez, M. Lotinga, N. Green | Shared with A05, A14 |
A21.1 | General | Organizers: E. Ozcan Vieira, P. Susini, G. Marentakis, D. del Palú | |
A.21.2 | Applied sound-driven design | Organizers: N. Misdariis, S. Spagnol, S. Lenzi | |
A21.3 | Listening experience in sound-driven design | Organizers: G. Marentakis, D. Dal Palu, S. Pauletto | |
A21.4 | Methodologies for sound-driven design and education | Organizers: S. Delle Monache, P. Susini, R. Sanz-Segura |
A22.1 | General | Organizers: D. Diego-Tortosa, M. Campo-Valera | |
A22.2 | Underwater soundscape and noise: modelling, measurements and effects | Organizers: J. Ramis, G. Zambon, A. Sirovic | Shared with A02 |
A22.3 | Underwater acoustics communications and networking | Organizers: R. Boluda-Ruiz, M. Campo-Valera, F. Rosa | |
A22.4 | Traffic ship noises | Organizers: P. Diviacco, M. A. Luque-Nieto | |
A22.5 | Geophysics and Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) capabilities | Organizers: D. Diego-Tortosa, M.C. Clemente-Medina |
A23.1 | General | Organizers: R. Arcos, J. R. de Franca Arruda | |
A23.2 | Numerical methods in Vibro-Acoustics: low, hybrid and mid-to-high frequency modelling | Organizers: O. Guasch, M. Karimi | |
A23.3 | Experimental methods in Vibro-Acoustics: low, hybrid and mid-to-high frequency methods | Organizers: A. Clot, J. Meggitt, E. Latorre | |
A23.4 | Inverse methods in Vibro-Acoustics | Organizers: J.-D. Chazot, R. Arcos | |
A23.5 | Metamaterials and acoustic black holes in vibro-acoustics | Organizers: J. Deng, F. Gautier, W. Jeon | Shared with A10 |
A23.6 | Materials and systems for noise and vibration control | Organizers: F. Pompoli, J. Carbalho San Martin, J. Arenas | Shared with A08, A10 |
A24.1 | General | Organizers: B. Katz, A. Reyes Lecuona, J. J. López Monfort | |
A24.2 | Audiovisual rendering of virtual acoustic spaces and multimodal evaluation | Organizers: D. Poirier-Quinot, R. Daugintis | |
A24.3 | Audio Immersion and Cognition in XR | Organizers: G. Presti | |
A24.4 | Interactive rendering of virtual acoustic spaces in 6 degrees of freedom | Organizers: A. Neidhardt, F. Brinkmann | |
A24.5 | Virtual acoustics and binaural AR in hearing research: challenges of a new paradigm | Organizers: N. Meyer-Kahlen, A. Reyes-Lecuona | Shared with A14 |
A24.6 | Virtual reconstructions in Archaeoacoustic research | Organizers: B. Katz, F. Martellotta | Shared with A15 |
A24.7 | Networked music performances: evaluation and implementation | Organizers: J. Sastre | Shared with A11 |
A24.8 | Real-time audio generation for interactive virtual environments (games and beyond) | Organizers: S. Willemsen | Shared with A11 |
A24.9 | Realistic Binaural Auralization of Rooms | Organizers: A. Neidhardt | Shared with A15 |
A24.10 | Source directivity: capturing, processing, and evaluating its effects | Organizers: M. Noisternig, S. Bellows | Shared with A16 |
A24.11 | Processing/individualization/interpolation of HRIRs or BRIRs | Organizers: A. Andreopoulou | Shared with A16 |
A24.12 | Capture, analysis, and reproduction methods of virtual acoustic spaces with distributed microphones or microphone arrays | Organizers: S. Ramallo, J.J. Lopez-Monfort | Shared with A16 |
A24.13 | Auralization of environmental noise sources | Organizers: J. Segura | Shared with A05 |