Forum Acusticum Euronoise 2025

Forum Acusticum Euronoise 2025 is pleased to announce a novelty compared to previous editions: an open call for Structured Sessions. Thus, the organizing committee is seeking high quality Structured Sessions that will be incorporated into the regular congress program. A priori, the proposed Structured Sessions have to be associated to a specific Main Theme. Please, see bellow for a complete list of Main Themes.

Download Call for Structured Sessions 

The proposers have to provide this information about the Structured Session:

- Structured Session Title

- Brief description and motivation. Proposers should emphasize why this topic is of interest for the Forum Acusticum Euronoise community.

- Associated Main Theme. Proposers can select up to two options, identifying their preferences.

- Short Bio of the proposer(s).

- If possible, a short list of potential contributors that would submit a paper to this Structured Session in case of acceptance. This last point is not mandatory, but it would serve to assess the potential interest of the proposal.

Once the committee evaluates the proposed Structured Sessions, accepted ones will be incorporated to the list of sessions published on the web, highlighting the condition of Accepted Structured Session. Hence, authors will be able to select these Structured Sessions in the paper submission process. The received papers will be evaluated via the same processes and standards as those utilized with submissions to the regular program. Finally, an accepted Structured Session will be incorporated into the congress program in case of enough number of accepted submissions. Otherwise, organizers will try to complete the Structured Session with similar regular papers (if possible), or accepted papers will be reallocated into other sessions of the regular program.


Proposers have to send a pdf file (no longer than 4 pages) including the abovementioned information via email:


Structured Session Proposal Deadline: June 24th, 2024 July 3rd, 2024

Structured Session Acceptance Notification: July 12th, 2024 July 19th, 2024

Main Themes & Structured Sessions

GeneralSession Organizers

Effects of Noise and Light on BiodiversitySession Organizers

GeneralSession Organizers

Acoustic and Thermal Retrofit of Office Building Stock in EUSession Organizers

Acoustic Regulations, Classification Schemes and Standards in Building AcousticsSession Organizers

Prediction of Sound and Vibration Transmission in BuildingsSession Organizers

Ground Borne NoiseSession Organizers

Measuring the Sound Insulation on FacadesSession Organizers

GeneralSession Organizers

Acoustic Education: Interactive SessionSession Organizers

GeneralSession Organizers

Structured Session on the INNOVA ProjectSession Organizers

GeneralSession Organizers

GeneralSession Organizers

GeneralSession Organizers

Machine Learning for Acoustic Signal ProcessingSession Organizers

GeneralSession Organizers

Acoustic and Elastic Materials and MetamaterialsSession Organizers

Vibroacoustic MetamaterialsSession Organizers

Metamaterials for Vibration and Sound ReductionSession Organizers

GeneralSession Organizers

Artificial Intelligence in MASession Organizers

Consistency of Musical Instrument MakingSession Organizers

Articulated Musical Instrument ModellingSession Organizers

Instruments, Hyperinstruments and beyondSession Organizers

GeneralSession Organizers

Biomedical Application of UltrasoundSession Organizers

GeneralSession Organizers

Auditory Models and Human Perception in Complex Listening ScenariosSession Organizers

Spatial Hearing Assessment with Neural MeasuresSession Organizers

Personalisation in Spatial Audio TechnologiesSession Organizers

Spatial Hearing: Modeling and ApplicationsSession Organizers

Presbycusis and MultilingualismSession Organizers

GeneralSession Organizers

Psychoacoustics in CommunicationsSession Organizers

GeneralSession Organizers

Speech Production and Perception in RoomsSession Organizers

Modern Offices: Challenges and SolutionsSession Organizers

Acoustics of Historical BuildingsSession Organizers

Acoustic Comfort in HospitalsSession Organizers

Classroom AcousticsSession Organizers

Measurement and Characterization of Acoustic MaterialsSession Organizers

Numerical Methods for Room AcousticsSession Organizers

GeneralSession Organizers

Sound field reconstruction in rooms and enclosuresSession Organizers

Spatial Audio Signal ProcessingSession Organizers

GeneralSession Organizers

Restorative Soundscapes - Sound Quality, Health and Well-Being Session Organizers

Soundscape PracticeSession Organizers

Soundscape MethodsSession Organizers

Indoor SoundscapeSession Organizers

GeneralSession Organizers

GeneralSession Organizers

GeneralSession Organizers

GeneralSession Organizers

GeneralSession Organizers